What I did manage to take care of though, was painting the room with the world's ugliest light (100% plastic, by the way) along with a few other things. Now it's the same color as the other rooms in the front of the house - here's what it was like beforehand. I'd like to say that I'm holding off on getting pictures of how it came out for a good reason, but really it's because some things that I'm donating are in there at the moment.
I also managed to install a door between the master bedroom and bathroom (finally!). Somehow I was lucky enough to wind up with a door that perfectly matched the original ones in the house, and that was the right size for the doorway that was empty. I built and installed my own door frame. It takes longer than putting up a prehung one, but it comes out the way it should.
I still need to finish the casing, caulk and paint it, and trim the tiles that had to come out. That'll probably happen this weekend. Sometime soon I plan on stripping the old white paint and staining the door somewhere between light brown and tan. I've also been getting ideas for what kind of hardware would work out here but like a lot of things, it's still just an idea at this point.
Right now I'm most of the way through painting the master bedroom. Here are a couple of before pictures.
Like I said, we're still moving in and unpacking... I'll finish up on Thursday unless something unexpected happens, like another tree falling down from a neighbor's yard and breaking the fence.
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