Sunday, November 11, 2012

Goodbye, Ghetto Fence!

I haven't been up to anything too exciting... mostly cleaning up and refreshing the place on Poplar St that I really didn't think would take this long to do. Things change once you find out how dirty everything truly is. The good news is that the interior is complete, minus replacing a bit of broken formica on a kitchen countertop.

I moved on to the outside this weekend. Most notably, I bought a power washer and completely blasted the exterior except for one side of the house that is difficult to get to. The deck was especially dirty but it cleaned up. There is a white film in some area... I'm not sure what it is but maybe it's the remnant of something someone else put down to protect the wood. It's 3 years old according to the date on some of the boards. The fence and deck need to be stained/sealed, which at first sounds like way too much effort for a place we'll be renting out but I want it to stay in good condition and last for as long as possible so I need to do it. Thinking solely in the short term leads to too many problems.

Today I took down a chain link fence in the front yard that had probably been there for 40 or more years. It was a simple task made more difficult by all the plants growing through it. The whole thing is gone except for two poles I'll need to borrow an angle grinder to remove because they're way too thick to cut with a hack saw. I'd dig them out along with the others but the sidewalk must have been capped after the poles went in and removing them would cause a lot of additional damage.

This is the most attractive part of the fence. Also, a reminder to beware of someone's dog.

This is the ugly, rusty part of the fence. It was going to fall down soon on its own anyway.

Altogether there are two reminders to watch out for a dog and a third sign to just leave. Not pretty.

The place looks better without the fence, but now that it's gone all the overgrowth that was hiding is now standing right out in the open. I'll cut that out tomorrow and Tuesday. I found a number of stumps and bits of things that are long gone, and that'll make building the driveway more difficult than I thought. The front yard must have been a real maze to get through in recent times because they don't look that old. I found the decorative scroll piece that goes on top of one of the gates and a lawn mower blade in the overgrowth. I have no idea how that managed to hide in there so long.


Looking better, but those poles still need to go.

The front yard without the fence or any signs that someone would just ignore anyway. It's too bad the old columns are no longer there anymore.

My plans for this week are to finish all the digging for the driveway and come up with some road base, and with any luck some of it will be in by next weekend. I plan on just copying the one next door so that'll make life a little easier. After the driveway is finished I can focus on the landscaping, which I need to completely rethink since apparently the large bush in the front yard doesn't make any flowers.I may steal a design idea or two from next door for this as well.

I checked out the house next door with all the outdoor ideas I plan on borrowing and was amazed. The person living there designed everything and did the work herself, and her craftsmanship and attention to detail are beyond words. The quality is well beyond what someone could readily find a contractor to do - a person would have to search out a contractor who was a true expert to pull off work even close to it.

There will be more to come soon, I hope...

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