Like I said earlier, before and after pics of dirty vs clean are hard to take. Here are a few attempts anyway.
My first project will be to make this room some color that's NOT purple. Nothing against Barney or the high school I went to, but it's a terrible color to paint a room. This is the TV hole I'm enclosing. It'll become a regular closet after I'm done. The hole works great if you happen to have a tv that exact same size. Of course nobody but the previous owners do.
The main bedroom came out pretty clean. The bathroom took extra scrubbing though.
The den is taking a lot of extra work. I know the carpet isn't something that we'll keep. But I'm not ready to work on this room yet. On the other hand the room smells horribly like dogs. Two of them used to use this room as their highway to the back yard (dog doors). Last night I got a carpet cleaner from Lowes and used it once. It made a huge difference but the smell isn't completely gone. However you have to be in the room, and it's a lot lighter now. The carpet also came out a different color so that's a nice bonus. I'm going to run it again this afternoon and in the evening before returning it.
I decided not to post the pic showing the fireplace to the right with all the dog fur everywhere.
This is how it looks right now. Lots cleaner but there's still more work to do. For now I'm waiting on the movers to show up so all our stuff will finally be here. At least I made the goal of having clean floors before furniture is in. Next up will be painting (everywhere) and enclosing the TV hole.
I'm still figuring out what to do with the strange molding and baseboards. It really doesn't go with anything we own, or the house at all but I may leave it up for a while just to speed up painting the place. It needs to be done badly, and I'd rather get all the rooms a decent color and then worry about what to replace it with and how to take it down. Really the worst part are the corner pieces so I may try and match the crown molding that went up and splice in new pieces there.
More to come soon!
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