It's all kind of small stuff so far. When I moved in the doorbell was missing and a cheezy sounding wireless one was in its place. Those didn't exist in 1959 so there had to be something going on here... I dug through a pretty solid plug of painter's putty to find a hole but only one wire was barely visible in there. I guess the old button broke and they lost the wires somehow, and decided this was easier than running wires back down the hole to where they belong.
They were right about which would be easier... I had to pull off the trim and a couple of small pieces of siding to feed the wires back down.
I also discovered that somebody went to a lot of trouble to remove the porch light and make it look like nothing was ever there. I came across the wires in the attic just sitting there with the ends exposed when I was digging through some insulation. It's always nice when someone just leaves something like that there waiting for you.
I've also spent a lot of time painting. That's really gone far in terms of making the place smell better, because the walls picked up the dog/scented candle to cover up the dog aroma parts of the place had. Not to mention that it looks better.
One last look at the dirty tan colored walls.
Looking much better
Ready for paint. I started to paint this room the same shade of blue the master bedroom in the old place had, but it really wasn't coming out so I called it off. The new plan is to go for the same color that some of the leaves in the upholstery have... kind of a sort of off white. We'll see how that works out.
The family room is getting closer to being ready for paint. This room will be a blue that matches with what's in the rug. I'm not painting this room until the old tv hole is walled off, but I'm painting the entry way / living room before I do that just to keep the chaos limited to one area.
The last thing I've been working on is the oven. It was pretty bad. I'm really not sure if it's ever been cleaned or if it's only been so long ago that it really doesn't matter. So far I've only cleaned the door and that took hours! I took the glass panel off the front and broke the door all the way down. Even between the glass and the metal behind it there was a ton of grease. Enough to eat through the paint on the metal completely!
Here's how the front looks now.
And the inside. It's pretty clear I have a lot of work still to go.
That's pretty much where the place is now. I'm continuing with the inside of the oven, unpacking, painting the front rooms and then working on enclosing the tv hole. I want to be finished with at least a couple of these things before the weekend is out.
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