Sunday, December 11, 2011

A week of Planning, a Week of Stress

I've been largely unable to physically do anything with the place this week. That's mostly due to the fact that at work I'm in an interim (acting) assignment for a job I'd like to do full time. It's something that works really well with my high energy desire to make things happen quickly. Since it's sort of an audition period I've been spending extra time trying to do my best to get the fill time job, and haven't had much time to devote to things going on over here.

That said, I've still been able to accomplish a little here. One of the biggest challenges we've faced with moving over here is that there's less closet and cabinet space in this house. A lot less. Part of that is due to the fact that most houses of this age just didn't come with much in the way of closets, but it's a problem that was made much worse by the previous owners who felt the need to eliminate the closet entirely from one bedroom and put in pedestal sinks in 2 1/2 bathrooms.

A pedestal sink may be a great choice in a small half-bath. There isn't usually a lot that people want to store in there besides some extra tp and cleaning supplies, but in a second full bath intended for guests/kids to use it makes no sense whatsoever. Here's ours without me going in beforehand to clean up and make the place look nice.

Ignoring the cat on the sink who probably thought I went in there to feed her, you can see exactly what I'm talking about. If we had kids there would be zero room to store anything at all except for where I put the cat supplies on the floor. With a normal sink and countertop there would be a place for the cat to stand and eat besides in the sink (food can't go on the floor because the dog would get it). We would have about four feet of counter and cabinet space to the right and a bit to the left to use. The place wouldn't look like a mess because there would be a place to store pet supplies that we actually use and everything would make a lot more sense.

Tying it all back together now, part of the reason why I've been spending so much time looking for things to get rid of is because there genuinely are a few things that've been forgotten about and moved from one place to the next with us which should go. But also because parts of the house look like a wreck because there's very little room to store things that we genuinely use and need. The problem should be going away pretty soon - there isn't much left to be gone through and things that we have too much of but use (like soap) are used up eventually. And of course the renovations planned will take care of the lack of space, so at some point all will be well in the world again. I'm sure that'll last for a week or two and then kids will come along and I'll get to start all over.

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