Sunday, April 7, 2024

Nine Years, a forgotten username and password later....

 Once upon a tine I planned on getting this thing caught back up. Then life happened, work, having kids, divorce, and becoming a single parent decided to hop along with. Not to mention immensely huge life changes of a more personal nature.

This picture sums up the state of the place and life in general.


 The 1870-1890s Eastlake piece is my distant past carried forward. It was in rough shape when I bought it at a neighbor's garage sale the spring after grad school. A piece between two drawers ruined by wood boring bugs, failing, poorly done refinishing job from som point, the entire thing had been completely neglected. A basket case that I completely repaired and renewed. It is survival.

The art on the wall and floor lamp are from a brighter time in my life, back in San Antonio the first of two times I lived there. They were from a peak moment in terms of friends, social life, work, and more or less everything really. Something unmatched until much more recent times. It is happiness returned.

The small table and chairs for my kids. Mom bought them when I was 4. I love my kids, no explanation needed.

The bathroom in the background for what all has happened over the last 9 years. The floorplan in this corner of the room is changed. A short hallway to the left gone, the dartboard area the previous owners penciled in when they added on to the house now half of something new and much better. It is my life and personal identity made right.

 What's not present is clutter. I am no longer married. 

I've said a few times before that I'll be back much sooner with the next post, and there is a LOT of content to cover since then! This time I'm not making any claims or promises. I want to catch this completely up but that's a bit of  challenge. When regard to future posts I make no claims but am hopeful they will come along naturally and in short order.

- Michelle

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