Sunday, June 16, 2024

2017 - It's a New Year

 A New Year and...

Also a new project. January was sort of, if this project is getting close to wrapping up why not start a second one? That'll have to be a separate entry...

 A new year and a new sink - this bathroom is finally coming together. Might as well start with all of the tile in here which is basically the entire room

Going up, and a few days later...

The mirror ended up getting installed with the regular kind of clips that hold one on to the wall rather than with the little standoff things that I posted a few pictures of a little while back. They weren't strong enough to hold up the glass. These don't look as good, but they actually work .Small tradeoff....

Back in the master bathroom the countertop situation was finally straightened out. I ended up talking to a manager because they wanted to double charge for fixing their error, plus a removal fee and then charging more for thinner material which normally costs less. Up until this point I'd been working with someone from sales, and even trying to make things easier by calling to see if I could trade in the unused bathroom hardware for something that would work with the holes they drilled but was past the return window. Anyway it was a really quick 5 minute call with the person who runs the countertop place. So we finally have this area complete except for the whole "hamper" thing that's taking a really long time to handle.


Looks done from these two angles anyway.

So glad we went with the IKEA cabinets instead of the custom ones that would have come from hamper guy. I think that's a good 6 weeks from being done because of some kind of drama on their end. Until then we have a pretty much completed bathroom but can't do before / after pictures. At this point it's only the 19th and there's still a couple weeks worth of January still remaining. Time to go tear up another part of the house?

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