Sunday, June 9, 2024

September 2016, Am I Done Yet?

Sometimes Things Don't Go Quite Right

I managed to get the doors in along with all of the tile except for the piece by the door before the end of the month. Can't do those without the little reducer piece to make the transition from bedroom to bathroom flooring (bathroom is a bit higher). Tile is grouted anyway, but the color isn't what I wanted it to be so I'll need to go back with a stain to basically paint over all of it.

I've also been slowed down by an utterly soulless person who works for the city of Charleston who prioritizes grass height over being able to take the baby to a relative who's dying in hospice three states away and fulfill her dying wish. She was lucky enough to be able to make the drive solo (this is her relative) in time. But that's not what this site is supposed to be about, so back on topic...

The washer and dryer were in the garage since the late 1970s and I think something went wrong with the plumbing at some point because its all a big mess back there.

Seriously this is a train wreck! Nothing good is happening here, and at one point I found a squirrel who wandered into the open washing machine and couldn't get out (protip: welding gloves are too thick for a squirrel to bite through if you need to catch and release one). So I moved them indoors.

This is SO much better! Less walking, washer and dryer don't get all dirty, at least 80% fewer squirrels trapped inside.

There's a little bit of a challenge going on with the hamper. Nothing on my end, it's that the cabinet guy who did the kitchen 2 years ago isn't in business any more so I get to find somebody else. Easier said than done I think.

Mid-month, doors are finished, decision has been made to go with IKEA cabinets for the vanity because it's just too much and takes too long to have someone make something custom. Like 12 weeks long! We have everything we need for the closet at this point except for the actual frames because they're too big to haul home in our car. There's a place that picks things up from the IKEA in Charlotte and brings them back that we used for that. They mostly do that + assemble it for people but they're perfectly happy to just pick them up and bring them to their place a few miles away for about half of what actual IKEA delivery runs.

I spent some time working on baseboards and painting in the water closet so now we have a room that looks kind of done. Nice to have a toilet in the bathroom after so many months!

And the end of the month... we have a vanity! Closet frames start going together tomorrow but that'll have to be a different update because that'll be October...

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