Thursday, June 6, 2024

May-July 2016

I did say I was slowing down

After a month long break it was time to get back into moving the project forward again because there's still a long way to go. There was a little demo to take care of to remove the old half bath wall that was now in the middle of the closet, and to put up the new one. The opening to the former hallway-now-closet also needs to be closed off. Bathroom vent fans also need to go up but that's a lot less interesting to look at.


Let's get that wall put up and the new half bath toilet put in. "Where's the flooring?" It doesn't matter yet because this toilet is wall mounted. I need to do it that way to save space in the half bath. There isn't enough room for the regular kind, but I also wanted to give one of these a try.

I had to stop for a little bit because large trees do drop branches from time to time. In this case it's at the house downtown and I needed to go take care of that.

Always a good idea to have a door between the bedroom and bathroom! I still can't believe whoever designed the addition here in the 2000s didn't have one put in.

Happy 4th of July!

The closet is starting to look like a closet. Wiring is done, plumbing is done. I didn't want to have a wall box up there, but it was either have a connection there or completely re-run a long stretch of wire. It's high up in a closet. Not the worst place for something like this to go.

Old walls are starting to go away. I did reuse a ceiling light in the closet but this isn't exactly someplace you need to have something really good looking. Maybe I'll change it out later.

A perfect way to end the day

I get a two week break before jumping back in to this again, and when that happens it's go time through to the end!

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