Sunday, June 2, 2024

December 2015

 The end of another year...

December 2015 was a really busy month! Demo tends to be like that because changes come so quickly. Of course the room needs to be cleaned out and everything that was in it has to go somewhere...

That's fine... didn't want to get too used to this area being finished and not a giant train wreck anyway I guess.

This area was 13 years old but moisture had already turned the plywood a weathered shade of gray.

Wrapping up December 2nd, and half the subfloor out by the 3rd.

December 4th and it's out for most of the room anyway. There's the beam I made a couple of years earlier, done from entirely underneath the house which was every bit as terrible as it sounds!

This room always had a hump in the floor an here's why. Whoever built the addition didn't use joist hangers in here either, so the joists settle while the beam doesn't, and there you go. Hump in the floor. In here they settled 1/4" which doesn't sound like much but was very obvious even while the flooring was still in. I took a bit of a break for a family trip to Mexico and came back to install the floor joists with actual hangers and sister in wood to stiffen the floor up while it was all open.


Rounding out the year, the subfloor is starting to go in and it's time to start thinking about all of the fun places accent lighting can go in the ceiling. The project is moving pretty quickly, which is a good thing because it looks like that baby due sometime this spring will be a boy!

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